Baby Boomers Facing Unique Dental Health Concerns

Today’s seniors are facing oral problems after many years of neglecting dental health.

As the Baby Boomer generation faces its golden years, more and more are finding that they have serious dental problems. A lifetime of ignoring their dental health either due to lack of insurance, lack of financial resources, or lack of quality care is catching up with them. So what are today’s seniors to do when they are facing these dental concerns?

First, they need to realize that it is more than just an oral problem when they have serious conditions like gum disease. These oral diseases actual increase risks for serious medical conditions, including diabetes and heart disease. These conditions commonly affect seniors and can be fatal. So taking care of your oral problems needs to be a priority.

Next, act quickly. When you notice that you are having pain or bleeding in your gums or around your teeth, make an appointment right away. Often people will try to wait it out or will postpone making that appointment because they fear the cost, but this is a mistake. The longer you wait to have your oral condition checked, the more likely it will be that complications will develop and you will have more expensive conditions to treat. The sooner you see the dentist, the less your bill will be.

Finally, when you do go to the dentist, choose one who is an expert in senior dental care. Access to this type of care can be challenging, but industry experts expect to see it becoming more common. As this trend continues, the dental industry is going to need to focus on geriatric dental professionals more strongly than it does now. You can expect access to geriatric dental care to be more and more common as the Baby Boomers continue to age.

We promise to give all of our Denver patients the care and attention they deserve. To learn more about us, please feel free to visit our website, or give our office a call at (720) 381-4693 to schedule your smile appointment today.

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